* net profit declared in the Separate Financial Statements after corporate income tax and legal reserve appropriation
**On 22 February 2022, The Board of Directors meeting no. 2/2022 deemed it appropriate to propose the shareholders meeting to approved dividend payment from the 2021 operating results at the rate of 0.055 baht per share, totaling 66 million Baht. The Committee will propose the payment in the 2022 Shareholders’ General Meeting on 27 April 2022 for approval as follows:
1. Approve to propose to the shareholders’ meeting for consideration and approval of the dividend payment from the Company’s unappropriated retained earnings are 0.055 Baht per share, a total of 66 million Baht. However, as the Company has already allocated its legal reserve in full to meet the requirement of the law.
Shareholders who qualify to receive the dividend will be listed on 6 May 2022. and the dividend allocation date of 23 May 2022. The dividend payment as above is payable from the retained earnings, which is subject to corporate income tax of 20%. Right authorization as mentioned still is not fixed since an approval from the Ordinary Shareholder’s Annual Meeting must be considered.
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